What should I do if I have oligohydramnios during prenatal examination

The so-called amniotic fluid refers to the fluid in the amniotic cavity of the uterus during pregnancy. It is an indispensable and important ingredient in keeping the fetus alive throughout pregnancy. Hospitals often use ultrasound to understand the status of amniotic fluid volume anal dildo , and use amniotic fluid index method to determine whether amniotic fluid volume is normal. What happened when a mother discovered that there was too little amniotic fluid during a prenatal check-up?
What is the harm of oligohydramnios?
High neonatal prevalence
Oligohydramnios is also an important manifestation of fetal abnormalities or underlying diseases of the mother. Even if there were no abnormalities in the fetus at that time, the periodic morbidity and mortality rate of such newborns after birth were higher than those of ordinary infants. Therefore, when there is too little amniotic fluid dildo vibrator , the cause should be found immediately. When amniotic fluid occurs at the end of pregnancy, while eliminating fetal malformations, we must be alert to the possibility of decreased placental function, and further ultrasound examination, biophysical evaluation big ass , OCT and other examinations must be performed to understand fetal and placental functions.
What are the common causes of oligohydramnios?
1. Mom
My mother had insufficient water intake, hypovolemia, drug effects, and pregnancy-induced hypertension.
2. Fetal aspects
Water rupture in the first trimester, fetal growth retardation, fetal expiration dildo fucking , fetal abnormalities (such as fetal urinary system abnormalities), and insufficient placental function.
What if I should do with oligohydramnios?
Normal fetus
For people with normal fetuses, pregnant women should rest appropriately, supplement appropriate amounts of fluids to improve placental function, count fetal movements, and dynamically monitor amniotic fluid volume and umbilical artery S/D value through regular ultrasound examinations. If the fetus is full term, the pregnancy should be terminated immediately to help improve the fetal prognosis.
Premature waterbreaker
When a pregnant woman is found to have premature birth and broken water, she must check whether she can continue to give birth. The infection is quite serious and she must be premature. When the fetus is found to be abnormal, she must determine intra-fetal treatment, premature birth, and re-treatment for full-term childbirth.
Fetal growth retardation
When oligohydramnios is combined with delayed fetal growth, early delivery must be considered. This means that there is a certain degree of fetal difficulty and continuing pregnancy cannot ensure safety. Long-term oligohydramnios can also cause oppression of the fetus, causing facial deformity or incorrect hands and feet posture. Therefore, amniotic fluid should be infused when necessary to increase the volume of amniotic fluid.
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