What should I do if I have breast hyperplasia

An important factor in female breast hyperplasia is emotional instability and a tendency to be angry. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that anger harms the liver, liver qi stasis, rib swelling pain, breast and liver diameter are closely related. When women are always in bad emotional states such as anger, worry, and worry g spot vibrator , the ovulation function of the ovaries will be suppressed, progesterone will be reduced, estrogen will be relatively increased, leading to breast hyperplasia. Women have dual roles as family and career. When faced with comprehensive mental factors such as competitive pressure, busy work, depression, irregular life, and overwork, they must learn to relax.
Breast hyperplasia is cyclical
Breast hyperplasia is mainly manifested as breast masses and breast pain: it worsens in premenstrual period or during emotional changes, and relieves after menstruation. The size and texture of the breast mass change periodically with menstruation. Before menstruation, the mass grows and is hard. After menstruation, the mass shrinks. The mass is tough but not hard. The mass feels nodular of varying sizes and is unclear with surrounding tissue boundaries.
In the breast with breast hyperplasia, the nipple is not sunken, the skin is not orange peel-like changes, it is painful to touch, but it does not affect activity, and the axillary lymph nodes are not enlarged. These symptoms are more serious for women who are prone to irritability, anger, stress, and fatigue. However, as long as you pay attention to adjusting your feelings, relieve stress and seek medical treatment in a timely manner, and under the guidance of a doctor male chastity , breast hyperplasia can be cured through physical therapy such as drugs and microwaves.
How to prevent breast hyperplasia?
1。Maintaining a good mood and optimism is the best defense against breast hyperplasia.
2。Women aged 16 to 50 should have regular breast examinations. The best time for examination is 3 to 7 days after menstruation. Self-examination, touch, molybdenum and palladium examinations can be carried out. Women over 35 years old should be observed once within 1 to 2 years, women over 50 years old should be observed once within 1 year, high-risk groups (family history of breast disease, ovarian cancer, adenocarcinoma), women with severe hyperplasia should be observed once within half a year. Women aged 20 to 35 must undergo infrared breast surgery within 3 years.
3。Reduce the number of induced abortions to reduce the probability of breast hyperplasia.
4。Live a regular life and exercise appropriately. In normal times, you should combine work and rest, get adequate sleep, and stay up less; appropriate exercise such as running and chest expansion that can enhance chest bodybuilding.
5。Breastfeeding time should be sufficient. Women who do not breastfeed after childbirth or breastfeed for less than 8 months will cause milk stasis and increase the probability of causing breast disease.
6。Avoid hormone drugs and beauty products.
7。Be sure not to wear a bra that is too tight or has a squeeze breast augmentation effect, which will affect the metabolism and lymph reflux of the breast, leading to breast hyperplasia.
8。Reduce high-energy supplements and foods. The diet should be light vibrator for vaginal atrophy , eat more leafy vegetables and fresh fruits. Without medical advice, do not take propolis, royal jelly, pollen and some hormone-containing oral liquids, especially women in menopause, let alone use these supplements to change the current situation of declining estrogen levels.
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