What should I do for girls with menstrual cramps

Physical pain is a worry for many women. Women with physical pain are uneasy every month to those days. Sometimes they are in pain. They toss and turn in bed, making normal work and victory more chaotic. How to relieve physical pain is a concern for many women. There are many ways to relieve physical pain. Do you think low-fat vegetarian food is one of them?
According to obstetrics and gynecology experts, dysmenorrhea is caused by uterine muscle contraction and ischemia caused by the peeling of the endometrium during the menstrual cycle and secreting a large amount of substances. Dysmenorrhea with no clear cause is called primary dysmenorrhea. It is very common. It may affect more than 50% of women, and the more serious ones are about 5%-15%. Dysmenorrhea generally starts during adolescence and is enough to interfere with normal life when severe. Primary dysmenorrhea gradually decreases with age and after childbirth. Secondary dysmenorrhea is less common and accounts for about 1/4 of women with dysmenorrhea.
Endometrial tissue that has fallen off during menstruation may aggravate pain when it passes through the cervix. Other factors such as receding uterus, lack of exercise, mental stress, and stress.
Low-fat diets such as vegetables and beans can change the binding globulin that regulates sex hormones in the body and reduce the synthesis of substances responsible for physiological pain. Especially soybeans, which are rich in a plant estrogen, have the most significant effect on suppressing dysmenorrhea. Studies have shown that unsaturated fatty acids can inhibit the secretion of estrogen and reduce dysmenorrhea. Unsaturated fatty acids are mostly found in vegetable fats, so vegetarian food can inhibit dysmenorrhea.
In addition gay dildo , the unsaturated fatty acids in vegetables, fruits and beans enrich omega-3 fatty acids and have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. However, the omega-6 fatty acids contained in general animal fats and fried foods produce painful substances. Therefore, eating more vegetarian food can indeed reduce the factors of pain in the body. Angry food During menstruation, watermelons huge ass huge ass , onions, carrots vibrator for men , etc. should be minimized to accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis. Food with too much salt that causes uterine contraction will cause cell edema and increase physiological pain.
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