In the state of deep sleep, the pulse is slow, the pressure is reduced, the respiration is deepened, the basal metabolic rate is decreased, and the cerebral blood flow is reduced, which contributes to the accumulation of brain energy. The body will also undergo a series of physiological and biochemical changes. For example
huge ass , coordinating the working ability of the cerebral cortex helps to improve memory, quick thinking and flexible response. This is the reason for beauty to be energetic and energetic after sleeping.
Experts point out that 1: 00 to 3: 00 at night is the peak of skin metabolism, when constant blood provides adequate nutrition to the skin, making the skin healthy and resilient. People who sleep well glow and blush is one of the tricks. More miraculously, sleep can prevent cancer. Australian experts have found that normal cells turn into cancer cells during fission mostly at night. High-quality sleep can prevent the occurrence and development of cancer. There are so many benefits of sleep, each of us should pay attention to scientific sleep.
The choice of sleep posture
Sleep posture, people have a variety of habits, but the basic posture is supine, prone, side three. Generally speaking, lying on your back is good for blood circulation, but you should be careful not to put your hands on your chest so as not to have a sense of depression and easily cause nightmares. Lying on the side can relax the muscles of the whole body, which is conducive to the peristalsis of the intestines and stomach. When lying on the side, the legs should be bent naturally, and the pillow should not be too low. Many people advocate sleeping as bedridden as a bow, bedridden on the right side, head and feet facing, east and west, avoiding head, north and foot south. The sleep environment requires quiet and refreshing, dim and soft light, fresh indoor air, suitable temperature and humidity, flat bed and suitable hardness. The pillow is usually half the height of one's fist. It helps to get into a sweet dream. In short, the choice of sleep posture should help you fall asleep quickly so that you can sleep comfortably.
Reasonable sleep time
There are great individual differences in sleep time. Generally speaking
remote control vibrator , young people who need 8 to 9 hours of sleep a day, middle-aged people who need 8 hours of sleep, older people who need about 7 hours of sleep, much weaker patients should appropriately increase their sleep time. Depending on the quality of sleep, in addition to the length of time, the depth of sleep and the feeling of waking up are very important. The degree of sleep is deep, that is to say, sleep well, the fatigue disappears after waking up, the whole body is comfortable, the mind is clear, and the spirit is exhilarated, indicating that the sleep quality is good. If the degree of sleep is very shallow
perfect ass , especially mixed with some nightmares, wake up in the middle of sleep, then even if you sleep for a long time, you can't get a good rest, and you still feel dizzy, tired and weak after getting up, which means you didn't have a good rest.
Attach importance to siesta
Siesta is one of the ancient sleep regimens. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the transition of yin and yang at noon, prosperity and decline, the extreme imbalance of blood, yin and yang in the body, we must lie still and wait for the breath to recover. According to modern medicine, taking a nap in the elderly can reduce the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, which has the significance of health care to prevent diseases. Siesta is a Chinese habit. Recently, Western scientists have found that people in Western Europe and North America have a high incidence of coronary heart disease, as if they have a siesta and a tense pace of life. In this regard, they conducted a series of investigations and experiments, the results show that if you can ensure a nap, the incidence of coronary heart disease in Westerners can be reduced by about 1/3.
After waking up for a nap, you can first open your eyes and lie still for a while to make the brain fully awake, then get up, wash your face with warm hot water
clitoral vibrator , drink some tea, and then start activities. In this way, the process of turning the human body from the sleep state to the awake state can be carried out more peacefully and gently, and the spirit will be doubled.