In daily life, sebaceous glands and sweat glands are occasionally blocked, and breast milk washing will slow down the activity of skin cells and cause a burden on the skin. Therefore, in addition to daily skin care, regular use of breast milk to wash your face to replenish skin moisture, activate and wake up, and you can make the skin smooth and delicate in a short period of time.
In summer, when the heat can damage your facial skin, you can wash your face with breast milk. Beauty experts recommend cooling breast milk and calmly repairing damaged cells.
In addition to astringent pores, when it is hot and the blood vessels become red
chastity cages , the cool feeling softens the blood vessel walls and allows normal blood circulation, resists irritation and relieves redness after sun exposure, making the skin moist and bright.
Can breast milk be used for beauty? Human milk is also called milk, and the ancients also called Xianjia wine. Its source is self-evident; it is mild in nature, sweet and salty in taste
rose vibrator , and contains various ingredients such as protein, fat
dildo machine , carbohydrates, emulsified calcium, phosphorus, iron
panty vibrator , and vitamins. It is extremely rich in nutrients and is also a beauty product of the ancients.