Is finger peeling due to the lack of which vitamin

Seasonal finger peeling is a common phenomenon in daily life, especially in spring. Except for a slight itching feeling, it will not directly affect our health. It is not very clear what causes this peeling. However controller vibrator , this phenomenon can generally heal by itself and does not require special treatment. However, if the peeling is serious kick ass , please go to the hospital and consult a doctor for treatment. So what are the good family considerations?
Finger peeling generally lacks vitamin e, so eat more vegetables. The treatment during the peeling and blisters stages is mainly for convergence and itching. You can also try to avoid peeling and reduce the time for peeling through daily attention.
At the same time, try to avoid mental tension and emotional excitement. Irritability cannot solve the problem, but will aggravate the condition. Therefore, when you are peeling and itching, you should stabilize your feelings. Minimize exposure to alkaline substances. Alkaline substances peeling or peeling worsens. Patients with peeling fingers should minimize exposure to alkaline substances. It is best to wear gloves when contacting washing powder, and try to choose soap and hand sanitizer that are less alkaline.
In addition, you can apply some silicone cream or cod liver oil ointment to lubricate and protect the newly grown epidermis. You can also take some vitamin C and other drugs appropriately.
Finger peeling in spring will not have a big impact on our daily lives, but we cannot ignore it. Therefore, if there is peeling of fingers in spring, usually soak your hands in warm water and wipe oily skin care products. If your fingers are infected nice ass , please use ointment containing antibiotics appropriately. Please try the above measures. It will definitely have good results.
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