How can the labia turn black

1. Genetic reasons
The primary color of the nipple or labia majora or labia minora is a genetic factor. Young women without pregnancy or childbearing experience are born even if their labia turns black. It is impolite to think that she has played with it.
2. Sexual life occurs frequently
During sexual life, the labia is repeatedly stimulated by external friction for a long time magic wands , local pigmentation increases, and its color deepens with time. This is a normal physiological phenomenon. At the same time male masturbators , the black color of the hormone during sexual stimulation.
3. Normal pigmentation
The color of a woman's genitalia is affected by her own melanin precipitation wand vibrator , which is also related to female hormones. The depth of this color varies from person to person and is related to the amount of pigment you own. Women with natural white skin are a little pink, naturally dark skin, and deep pubic pigment.
In addition, long-term irregular menstruation, drug stimulation, chronic inflammation best dildo , diabetes, etc. may also lead to blackening of the labia.
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