More and more couples are focusing on eugenics so that babies can win at the starting line, but details can go against their wishes. Trace elements are one of them, especially for women who have a partial diet. According to an obstetrician and gynecologist at the district family planning service station, trace elements are closely related to eugenics. According to Dr. Han from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, trace elements such as copper, zinc, iron, manganese, lead, and iodine are closely related to eugenics. Copper is important to the fetus. Because copper affects copper enzymes and copper enzyme activity and the synthesis of collagen and elastin. When copper is deficient, placental dysfunction and hematopoietic dysfunction are prone to occur, resulting in delayed fetal development. High copper, like lack, affects the normal development and differentiation of embryos and easily causes malformations and stillbirths. When zinc is insufficient
my old ass , the activities of several zinc-dependent polymerases decrease, which especially affects the development of nerve tissue and makes fetal growth uncoordinated with the development of the nervous system. Especially during the 20 to 60 days of pregnancy
penis sucking , the critical period for the differentiation and formation of fetal organs, it is easy to seriously damage the embryo and fetal development process, central nervous system abnormalities, congenital heart disease, hypospadias and other congenital malformations. Iron deficiency is also associated with premature birth or slow intrauterine growth. Due to the interaction between zinc and iron, pregnant women with hypozinc anemia do not get the expected effect when administered iron. Iron is still the material basis for a healthy and rosy complexion. Iron deficiency not only causes iron deficiency anemia, but also causes pale and dry skin, hair loss
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best dildo , lead, iodine, etc. Insufficient manganese can lead to bone growth abnormalities and reproductive disorders, such as stillbirth, infertility, spasm and other brain dysfunction. High levels of manganese and lead will also affect the intellectual development of the fetus. Iodine deficiency can easily lead to damage to the central nervous system and auditory nerve, resulting in stupidity, deafness, and spastic paralysis. Cobalt is a component of vitamin B12, and a deficiency of cobalt can lead to macrocellular anemia. Selenium can protect the heart, detoxify and prevent the occurrence of cancer cells. Chromium is related to the metabolism of sugar and fat and plays an important role in maintaining normal cholesterol in the blood. Chromium deficiency can easily lead to arteriosclerosis and poor development.