Traditional Chinese medicine points out that patients with low blood pressure or anemia are prone to dizziness, dizziness, fatigue and other phenomena, and even due to insufficient blood pressure and poor circulation in the body, they can cause symptoms of headache and migraine. Most of these patients are women. According to the certification principles of traditional Chinese medicine, it is usually blood deficiency, which must be adjusted clinically with blood-replenishing prescriptions. However, blood deficiency is not anemia as defined in modern medicine, and not all people with low blood pressure are blood deficiency. Symptoms must be certified clinically.
In addition to dizziness and dizziness for patients with blood deficiency, patients with blood deficiency can also be observed with pale nails, lips, and tongue
large dildo , and pale complexion. Patients with qi deficiency can also face pale, are prone to fatigue, shallow breathing, lazy, low voice, and easy to sweat. Traditional medicine believes that blood belongs to yin and qi belongs to yang. Yin deficiency and blood deficiency have different symptoms. When clinical certification
gay dildo , yin and yang of the five internal organs must be identified. The hemoglobin and blood pressure values detected by modern medicine are too low, which may not be blood deficiency syndrome.
Generally speaking, Siwu Tang and Sijunzi Tang can usually be selected as the basic prescriptions for replenishing blood and replenishing qi respectively. However, in addition to identifying the blood and gas status, it is also necessary to evaluate whether to add replenishing drugs such as ginseng
adult toys gay dildo , baneful qi, and atractylodes rhizome according to the patient's physique., or add Qi-promoting medicinal materials such as Xiang, Rhizoma Cyperi, and tangerine peel to help the qi run smoothly. As for people with blood deficiency, it is also necessary to distinguish whether the patient has blood heat or blood stasis. The treatment principle of cooling blood should be adopted, or warm-blooded drugs such as peach kernel, safflower, peony root, etc. should be added. The condition of qi and blood cannot be simply distinguished.
Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes that modern medicine's testing of blood pressure and hemoglobin is different from traditional medicine's diagnostic principles. Many women with anemia and hypotension are identified as patients with blood pressure deficiency syndrome, but people with hypotension do not have any sense of discord. People with low blood pressure and anemia do not need to panic too much. If discomfort occurs due to rapid supplementation, those who wish to use traditional Chinese medicine for cooking should first seek the advice of a traditional Chinese medicine doctor for symptomatic treatment. Do not supplement improperly or help improve symptoms, which will cause side effects instead.