Honey: Both inside and outside, the most ideal natural beauty agent
Honey is sweet and calm in nature. Its main ingredients are glucose and fructose. It also contains a variety of amino acids
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controller vibrator , proteins, vitamins and minerals. It has been a good product for nourishing, strengthening, detoxifying and beautifying people since ancient times. Whether administered orally or externally, it can effectively improve nutritional status, promote skin metabolism, enhance skin vitality and antibacterial power, reduce pigmentation, prevent dry skin, make skin soft, white and delicate, reduce wrinkles and prevent acne and other skin diseases, playing an ideal role in beautifying skin. Here are a few simple ways to use honey for beauty:
Honey eliminates acne: Wash your face before going to bed, dip a cotton swab in a small amount of honey, and apply it directly to the acne. The vitamins, amino acids and various active substances in honey can regulate endocrine, inhibit sebaceous glands from secreting excessive fat, and also have a good antibacterial and bactericidal effect. It can effectively prevent and treat acne and make the skin smooth and soft.
Honey bathing and moisturizing: Before bathing, apply honey to your entire body, especially the soles of your feet and knees. More on elbows and other areas. After 10 minutes, soak in the bathtub, and then wash it again with soap or body wash. After taking a bath, you will feel as smooth as jelly.
Honey application and hairdressing: Mix a spoonful of honey with half a cup of milk. After washing your hair, use this mixture to massage your head. After 15 minutes, your hair will become smooth.
When using honey for beauty treatment, special attention should be paid to the quality of honey. Only natural and mature honey can achieve the best beauty effect. Therefore, everyone should judge from the color, aroma and buy high-quality natural honey. The honey series products produced by Yishou Garden are a good choice.
Vinegar: An inexpensive and affordable daily beauty product
The main component of vinegar is acetic acid
chastity cages , which has a strong bactericidal effect and can protect skin and hair. In addition, vinegar is also rich in calcium, amino acids, vitamin B, lactic acid, gluconic acid, succinic acid, sugar, glycerol, aldehydes and some salts, which are extremely useful for the skin.
Massage soft skin: After washing your face at night, mix 1 spoonful of vinegar and 3 spoonfuls of water, dip it with a cotton ball, gently rub on the wrinkled areas on your face, and then gently massage it with your fingers to wash it off. This method can help eliminate fine wrinkles on the face and make the skin soft and smooth.
Vinegar soaked manicure: Add half a teaspoon of vinegar in warm water, soak your fingernails or toenails
big dildo , and then trim it. Dirt in the nail seam can be easily removed and can make fingernails and toenails shine and shine.