A complete collection of self-measurement of health status Are you still healthy

Summary: Everyone values health and needs to check themselves frequently women vibrator , but how to measure health?
1. Body temperature: Normal body temperature is 36 to 37 degrees, higher than fever and lower than hypothermia. The latter is common in the elderly and frail elderly and long-term malnourished patients, and can also be seen in patients with hypothyroidism and shock disorders. 2. Pulse: The pulse is 60 to 100 beats per minute. Acceleration, slowness, intermittent strength, and slowness are manifestations of unhealthy heart. 3. Breathing: Healthy people breathe smoothly and regularly, about 15 times per minute. If abnormal breathing depth, frequency huge ass , rhythm, and feeling of difficulty breathing are found, they should seek medical treatment. 4. Blood pressure: The blood pressure of adults should not exceed 140/80mmHg. The blood pressure of the elderly also increases with age, but when the systolic blood pressure exceeds 160mmHg bbw dildo , medication should be taken regardless of symptoms. 5. Weight: Long-term stable weight is one of the indicators of health. Short-term emaciation is seen in diabetes, hyperthyroidism, cancer, gastric, intestinal, and liver diseases. Short-term weight gain is likely to be related to diseases such as hyperlipidemia, diabetes, and hypothyroidism. 6. Diet: The daily staple food amount for adults should not exceed 500 grams, and for the elderly should not exceed 350 grams. Eating more and drinking more should consider the existence of diseases such as diabetes and hyperthyroidism. If you eat less than 250 grams a day and lose your appetite for more than half a month dildo masturbation , you should be checked for potential inflammation and cancer. 7. Defecation: Healthy people defecate once a day or the next day, which is yellow soft stool. The elderly, especially the elderly, can defecate every 2 to 3 days if they eat less and exercise less. As long as the bowel movement is smooth and there is no bowel movement, there will be no constipation. Abnormal color, shape and frequency of stools can reflect colon lesions. 8. Urinating: Adults urinate about 1 to 2 liters a day, every 2 to 4 hours, with irregular intervals at night. Normal urine is light yellow, transparent, with a little foam. If abnormal urine color volume, dysuria, frequent urination or pain are abnormal manifestations, seek medical attention. 9. Sleep: Adults sleep 6 to 8 hours a day. Sleep is difficult, you can't sleep when you wake up at night, and you can't sleep during the day. Dozing off is a manifestation of sleep disorders. 10. Spirit: Healthy people are full of spirit, agile behavior, reasonable emotions, and have no dizziness and pain. Otherwise, they should be examined for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and neuroosseous and joint systems.
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