What is one way to judge AIDS

What is the way to judge AIDS?
Currently, there are three methods to detect AIDS in regular hospitals and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
First, the effective method is to use the third-generation AIDS detection reagent, which is also the most commonly used detection method at present. It is HIV-specific antibody testing. The fastest is three weeks after infection, and most of the 3-12 antibodies are still available every week after infection. Detection bdsm chastity , so the exclusion time for antibody testing is 12 weeks after high-risk, about 3 months.
Second, HIV-specific antibodies combined with P24 antigen testing, or fourth-generation testing, can detect HIV antibodies and antigens at the same time. Most people can detect infection after infection by combining 2-6 antigen antibodies best penis pump , so the exclusion time is six weeks after high-risk exposure.
Third, nucleic acid testing directly detects viruses rather than antibodies. This test is very expensive, so routine screening is not necessary. Unless early symptoms of suspected AIDS appear after exposure, HIV nucleic acid can be detected in the blood in most people 1-4 weeks after infection, and the elimination time for nucleic acid testing is four weeks after the high risk.
10 signs of AIDS in men revealed
1. Lymph node enlargement continues to be widespread bbw dildo , especially in the neck, axillary and inguinal lymph nodes. The enlarged lymph nodes are about 1 cm in diameter. They are hard, painless, and can be moved for more than three months.
2. Fever and night sweats were of unknown cause for several weeks.
3. Loss of appetite and loss of more than 10% of the original weight within two months.
4. Over the past few weeks, there has been unexplained severe fatigue.
5. Chronic diarrhea, with unknown cause, more than 10 times a day.
6. Shortness of breath and dry cough with unknown cause for several weeks.
7. Flat or raised pink and purple spots appear on the skin and mouth, without pain or itching.
8. White membrane appears in the throat.
9. Scaly spots and itching appear in the genitals of men; anal itching, vaginal itching, and leucorrhea in women are usually treated according to gynecological diseases.
10. No other cause can be found for headaches and blurred vision.
It is worth noting that when the above three or more symptoms and high-risk behaviors occur dildo masturbation , you should go to the hospital for examination in time.
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