What are the side effects of taking Viagra

The main component of Viagra is sildenafil citric acid, which can enhance patients 'erectile function, thereby improving their erectile function, and can be used to improve the clinical symptoms of impotence. So what are the side effects of taking Viagra? Let's take a look together.
What are the side effects of taking Viagra?
1. Headaches
Clinical trials have found that about 13% of people have headaches after taking the drug, and the higher the dose, the stronger it is.
2. blood pressure reduction
Taking Viagra lowers blood pressure, while heart drugs such as trinitrin or nitrates can also lower blood pressure. As a result, when Viagra was mixed with these drugs, his blood pressure dropped significantly, which could endanger his life.
3. sterile
Long-term use of Viagra as an aphrodisiac may damage fertility. The level of male reproductive function is related to the quality of sperm. Long-term use of Viagra can lead to reduced sperm quality, reduced male reproductive function perfect ass , and even infertility.
4. induce prostate disease
Men's long-term dependence on the aphrodisiac drug Viagra may damage prostate function remote control vibrator cock pump , because use of the drug can make men's penile erections normal and prolong combat time. However, long-term congestion and erection of the penis can easily damage the corpus cavernosum and even lead to bacterial invasion during congestion. In this way, there is a high possibility of impaired prostate function big dildo , which may lead to prostate disease.
5. Dizziness
After taking Viagra, blood pressure will drop. For some patients with high or low blood pressure, or those with similar diseases, it can cause dizziness. 3% of users will have temporary blurred vision or even hallucinations. As a result, U.S. officials also banned pilots from flying for six hours after taking Viagra to avoid flight accidents.
6. chronic impotence
Men with urethritis and leukemia can have long-term erections after taking it, which can damage the genital muscle tissue and even aggravate impotence. If the erection lasts longer than 4 hours, you must seek medical attention immediately.
These are the side effects introduced by Viagra. I hope it helps you. Any drug has side effects, so we must pay attention to the dosage.
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