What are the physical symptoms of gonorrhea in women

Often manifested as gonococcal urethritis, paraurethritis, and gonococcal vestibulitis. This is because women have a short urethra and are prone to infection with gonorrhoeae, and also easily infected with the glands next to the urethra. Women's vaginal mucosa has strong disease resistance, and the secretions themselves have disease resistance and sterilization capabilities, so women's vaginas are generally not infected. However, women's cervical orifice is often infected.
(1)Gonococcal urethritis, paraurethritis: Congestion of the urethral orifice, tenderness and purulent secretions, mild frequent frequency, urgency, pain in the urine dildo fucking , burning sensation during urination, squeezing the paraurethral glands to exude pus.
(2)gonococcal vestibular prostatitis: redness, swelling best penis pump , heat pain, severe abscess, systemic symptoms and fever.
(3)Gonorrheal gondolitis has redness and swelling of the cervical opening, erosion around the neck opening, increased leucorrhea, and often thick blood, sometimes blood, with a stench.
(4)Complications: gonorrheal endometritis, gonorrheal salpingitis, gonorrheal pelvic inflammation big ass , etc. Due to lack of treatment and mistreatment male masturbators , female gonorrhea patients can easily develop from urogenital infections to pelvic and adnexal infections, causing serious consequences such as infertility and abdominal pain, and even endangering their lives.
In addition to gonorrhea in the urogenital area, gonorrhea can also be present in other areas. gonococcal conjunctivitis, gonococcal pharyngitis, rectal gonorrhoea and other common gonorrhoea other than the urogenital parts.
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